Tadness on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/tadness/art/Horizon-Lights-299604082Tadness

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Tadness's avatar

Horizon Lights



Full Size, please!

Some glitch art I made using an image I created in GIMP. The original was a pattern of concentric circles with a rainbow gradient, but done so small that the actual circles created this kind of distorted mess of their own. It's really quite a sight, and the fact this lovely image is the result of playing around with an image that was already intriguing makes it really satisfying.

Honestly I don't remember everything I did to the pic. A bit of echo, some exponential decay, normalize, etc. It was mostly just going about trying to make something new, and I succeeded.

Made with GIMP and Audacity.
Image size
1440x900px 741.47 KB
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